Pilates Not Painkillers by Glenn Withers

Pilates Not Painkillers by Glenn Withers

Pilates not painkillers the best cure for backache - Times newspaper, London,UK. Friday 3rd of February, 2017. It was with delight that I awoke this morning to the head line on the front page of the times newspaper - Pilates not painkillers the best cure for backache!...

Pilates & Scoliosis by Glenn Withers

Pilates & Scoliosis by Glenn Withers

The word scoliosis can be quite a frightening word to hear when you see a medical professional. It categorizes one into a sub group of people who collectively have been told they have abnormal spinal alignment. This can lead to many issues of concern, anxiety and...

Remembering Joseph Pilates

Remembering Joseph Pilates

Pilates 100+ day is a celebration of the time Joseph Pilates spent on the Isle of Man during World War 1 where he worked on his method that is still worked today. Below you can see a video that recounts this time and provides insight into the man himself along with...

Exercising while pregnant?

Exercising while pregnant?

We have just seen a great blog post by Keah Lan. She talks about exercise during pregnancy and puts down one of APPI's DVDs as her favourites! Here is the excerpt: "The APPI pilates for pregancy DVD, is one of my favourites, as a pilates teacher myself i know first...